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by funny games , at 9:00 AM



Empire: Total War - The Warpath Campagin v.1.5.0 build 1332.21992 (2009/MULTI2/Lossless Repackp by R.G. Origins)
Year: 2009 | PC | Eng Rus | Developer: The Creative Assembly | Publisher: SEGA | 8.04 GB
Language: English, Russian, Czech, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish
Genre: Strategy (Real-time / Turn-based) / 3D

"Empire: Total War" has become a new landmark in the history of the Total War series and in particular the strategy genre in general. The massive naval battles and epic battles - all the key events of XVIII-XIX centuries are reflected in this project, which received rave reviews from leading publications. The player is free to lead one of ten powerful, among them Britain, France, Prussia, Spain, the United States and the Ottoman Empire. Leading the way - bloody battles, backstairs and unexpected betrayal. To win in the single and multiplayer game to remember only one rule: in the struggle for power, all means are good.

In addition the official "Empire: Total War - On the trail of war" red-skinned tribes living in harmony with nature and not knowing the firearms destroyed not so much technological backwardness as its own disunity. Rather than bury the hatchet and unite against the invaders palefaces, they continued to feud with each other, and eventually lost. About how it was and how it could be, tell a massive addition to the historical strategy Empire: Total War, entitled "On the trail of war." You will be able to personally take part in the dramatic events and get the opportunity to rewrite the history of Indian people!
Take a look at the war from both sides. Obrushte Redskins on the power of the European war machine, controlling the armies of the Old World, or give a fitting rebuff paleface invaders, taking charge of an Indian chief. The game features five tribes: the Iroquois, Huron, Pueblo, Cherokee Indians of the Plains. Each one features unique elite warriors, and each can lead to a single or collective mode. Fight for the king and for his faith or his native land, bequeathed to you ancestors!


"A New Chapter
Update «Empire: Total War - On the trail of war" tells the story of the struggle of European colonizers with the native population of North America in XVIII-XIX centuries. Become a member of the dramatic events and try to rewrite history!

"Battle at Sea
For the first time fans of Total War series will take part in these sea battles. All that happens is strictly governed by the laws of physics: a fallen Ray can kill zazevavshegosya sailor, a loose piece of shell to carry in chips easy craft.

"Turbulent times
XVIII-XIX century - an era of change in the history of all the leading nations of the world. Manufakturnoe replaced by factory production, brewing, major changes in society, to replace old weapons are far more deadly invention. The world threatened a series of military conflicts, radically different tactics of battles, and even the basic principles of warfare.

"In the name of the Crown or for the land of their ancestors.
You can lead an army of either party. Take control of your forces of European colonizers or let them fight back on behalf of Indian tribes to protect their land.

Features repack: 
▪ It is based on steam-rip from RG Origins of January 6, 2012
▪ - Do not cut / no recoded
▪ - Ability to select a combination of text and ozvuchek
▪ - Game Version v.1.5.0 build (1332.21992)
▪ - Installation of ~ 12 min
▪ - Present DLC:
- The Warpath Campaign
- Elite Units of the West
- Elite Units of America
- Elite Units of the East
- Special Forces Units & Bonus Content
- The Dahomey Amazons Units
- Death's Head Hussars Units
- The USS Constitution Units

System requirements:

√ Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP (SP3) / Windows Vista (SP1) / Windows 7
√ Processor: Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo 2,4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2,8 GHz
√ Memory: 1 GB (2 GB for Vista / 7)
√ Video: 256 MB VRAM compatible with DirectX 9.0c, with support Shaders 2.0
√ Sound Card: DirectX compatible
√ Free space on hard disk: 20 GB 


warpath - written by funny games , published at 9:00 AM, categorized as STRATEGY GAME
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