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vietcong 2

by funny games , at 9:06 AM

vietcong 2

Vietcong 2 (PC/ENG)
Vietcong 2 (PC/ENG) 
PC Game | Language : English | 3.2GB

The story takes place during the Tet Offensive in Hue.
The player assumes the role of the disillusioned American MACV soldier Daniel Boone (named after the MACSOG Operation Daniel Boone)

Vietcong 2 (PC/ENG)

Vietcong 2 (PC/ENG)

Boone is part of a coalition of international forces from Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The game also gives the player the ability to fight the war from another perspective as a young Vietcong recruit fighting before and during the Tet Offensive.

This campaign is unlocked when the player has completed a certain part of the American campaign.

Vietcong 2 Tech Info
Publisher:2K Games
Genre:Historic First-Person Shooter
Release Date:Oct 24, 2005(more)
ESRB Descriptors:Blood, Intense Violence, Mature Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Sexual Themes

Game Information
Online Modes:Competitive, Cooperative, Team Oriented
Number of Players:1 Player
Number of Online Players:64 Online
DirectX Version:v8.0
Operating System:Windows 2000/XP

Minimum System Requirements
System:1.8GHz or equivalent
RAM:512 MB
Other:Shader 2.0-compliant video card

vietcong 2

vietcong 2
vietcong 2 - written by funny games , published at 9:06 AM, categorized as SHOOTING GAME
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