Ninja Blade
Ninja.Blade-SKIDROW | PC GAME | 3.7 GB
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios | Developer: From Software | Genre: Modern Action Adventure
Ninja Blade tells the story of Ken Ogawa, a ninja that is trying oh-so-hard to be just like Ryu Hayabusa of Ninja Gaiden. He jumps out of helicopters, shuns stealth, and fights all sorts of nasty creatures. A parasitic outbreak has hit Tokyo, turning everyone and everything into destruction happy monsters bent on turning the entire world into a pile of rubble. The only hope, naturally, is Ken.
This tale is told through a series of cutscenes and quick-time-events (sequences where the player is required to push a series of buttons as they flash on the screen to interact with a cutscene) in a fairly traditional anime fashion. With voiceovers that switch between English and Japanese and a fractured storyline, Ninja Blade toes the line between something mainstream America will be familiar with and a story that feels foreign.
This tale is told through a series of cutscenes and quick-time-events (sequences where the player is required to push a series of buttons as they flash on the screen to interact with a cutscene) in a fairly traditional anime fashion. With voiceovers that switch between English and Japanese and a fractured storyline, Ninja Blade toes the line between something mainstream America will be familiar with and a story that feels foreign.

Ninja Blade